Important Dates
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE. Check your local time in AoE.
- Submission deadline: Thursday, December 5, 2024
- Notification deadline: Thursday, January 30, 2025
- e-rights completion deadline: Thursday, February 6, 2025
- Publication-ready deadline: Thursday, February 20, 2025
- TAPS Closes: Thursday, February 27, 2025
- Video for presentation at the conference (mandatory): Thursday, March 13, 2025
Submission Details
- Online submission: PCS Submission System
- Template: ACM Master Article Submission Templates (single column)
- Submission format: 8-12 pages (excluding references), with an abstract of fewer than 150 words.
- Submissions exceeding the length limit will be desk rejected without going through the review process.
- A paper must be standalone. Authors may use appendices and/or supplementary materials to share additional information about their work, but all important information to understand the contributions of their work must be in the main paper PDF. Heavy reliance on appendices and/or supplementary materials can be a ground of rejection.
- Submissions are not anonymous and should include all authors’ names, affiliations, and contact information.
- Additional description of how the work will be presented at the conference. Your descriptions should seriously consider the guidelines for an accessible presentation. Keep in mind that CHI would not be able to provide additional equipment or support for your presentations that goes beyond the conventional slides presentation format. So you may need to do additional research and be creative to ensure that your unique presentation style is accessible. Here is a link guide for accessible presentation. If you have any questions or concerns about creating accessible submissions, please contact the Accessibility Chairs at
Selection Process
Message from the alt.chi Chairs
alt.chi is a forum for controversial, risk-taking, and boundary-pushing research at CHI. The CHI program committee formed alt.chi to act as a forum for innovative and insightful work that can go unrecognized through the standard review process. alt.chi is appropriate for submissions that prove difficult to assess through the main Papers track, whether for reasons of methodology, style or content. alt.chi hosts some of the most audacious and insightful presentations at the conference. This is the avant-garde of CHI. We invite the submission of bold, compelling, critical, and innovative works that challenge or re-imagine human-computer interaction research and design.
alt.chi 2025 continues the tradition of bringing substantive, thought-provoking, original work to CHI through an alternative approach. alt.chi 2025 is methodologically inclusive and accepts reports, reflections, analyses, designs, fictions and systematic inquiries. Especially encouraged are:
- Critical perspectives on HCI, design, and society
- Creative, subversive, and/or unorthodox research methods that explore HCI boundaries, quandaries, and paradoxes
- Works that explore the politics, economics, and practice of HCI and design – and propose alternatives
- Explorations of novel methods through which to present HCI research – both in the submission and through the conference presentation
The vast majority of CHI Papers are inherently inappropriate for submission to alt.chi. In other words, work that can conceivably be accepted to the full papers track is generally inappropriate for submission to alt.chi. alt.chi 2025 should be viewed as an opportunity to re-shape the conversation by introducing a vibrant intellectual community to a new way of doing work, unconstrained by traditional conference/paper formats.
ACM’s Publication Policies
It is critical that authors review ACM’s publications policies. Please read this separate page for them.
Preparing and Submitting Your alt.chi Submission
An alt.chi submission must be submitted via the PCS Submission System. The alt.chi submission must include a paper and may also include an optional video figure up to 5 minutes.
Submissions should consist of 8-12-page papers in ACM Master Article Submission Templates (single column; excluding references), with an abstract of fewer than 150 words. Although deviation from the format may be required for some submissions, please ensure the first page and references follow the strict template requirements. If you want to do something unusual or are unsure, check with us first at Submissions should not be accepted or under review anywhere else while in submission.
Like many tracks at CHI, your alt.chi submission may include a short digital video figure or interactive illustration that is up to five minutes in length and no more than 200 MB final data size. Because not everyone who reads the submission may view the video figure or attend the presentation, your submission must stand on its own without the figure, and will be reviewed as such. However, a presentation video is mandatory for all accepted papers. Some guidelines for creating video submissions can be found at: Guide to a Successful Video Submission (link tba).
Metadata Integrity
All submission metadata, including required fields in PCS like author names, affiliations, and order, must be complete and correct by the submission deadline. This information is crucial to the integrity of the review process and author representation. The submission deadline is a hard deadline for listing all author names; there are no exceptions. Changes to the order of authors are allowed only during the Publication-Ready submission phase. Minor changes to the title and abstract are permitted during the Publication-Ready submission phase.
Policy on Use of Large Language Models
Text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM), such as ChatGPT, must be clearly marked where such tools are used for purposes beyond editing the author’s own text. Please carefully review the April 2023 ACM Policy on Authorship before you use these tools. The SIGCHI blog post describes approaches to acknowledging the use of such tools and we refer to it for guidance. Note that the LaTeX template will default to hiding the Acknowledgements section while in review mode – please make sure that any LLM disclosure is available in your submitted version. While we do not anticipate using tools on a large scale to detect LLM-generated text, we will investigate submissions brought to our attention and desk reject papers where LLM use is not clearly marked.
Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects
Any research in submitted manuscripts that involves human subjects must go through the appropriate ethics review requirements that apply to the authors’ research environment. As research environments vary considerably with regards to their requirements, authors are asked to submit a short note to reviewers that provides this context. Please also see the 2021 ACM Publications policy on research involving humans before submitting.
Accessible submissions are essential for reviewers and are good practice. Authors are expected to follow SIGCHI’s Guide to an Accessible Submission. If you have any questions or concerns about creating accessible submissions, please contact the Accessibility Chairs at early in the writing process (the closer to the deadline, the less time the team will have to respond to individual requests).
Authors should ensure their work, writing and presentations are as inclusive as possible; where this is not possible, it should be acknowledged. For example, authors should use gender-inclusive language when developing their papers (see e.g., HCI Guidelines for Gender Equity and Inclusivity) and consider what communities their work is – and is not – supporting, as well as their geographical context.
Selection Process
alt.chi performs an open review first and then follows a process for reviewed materials to decide acceptance. During the period between submissions and notifications, members of the CHI community are invited to review the submission in a non-anonymous forum.* Anyone who is interested will be able to view and discuss your work. Authors will be encouraged to invite appropriate members of the CHI community to review their work, and the alt.chi committee will also invite discussions. We want to encourage discussion and debate on what makes a good alt.chi (or regular CHI) submission, and, ultimately, what pushes the field forward. After the discussion period, the chairs will evaluate the work based on:
- How well the work embodies alt.chi’s values of creativity, criticality, reflection, and originality.
- How coherent the work is conceptually, philosophically, and methodologically.
- How well the proposed presentation format suits the content of the submission and how likely it is to engage people at the conference.
- The extent to which the work expresses a voice and argument unlikely to be heard in the Papers track.
- The nature of the discussions that the submission provokes among reviewers.
Submissions should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time; nor can submissions contain text of prior CHI reviews. Submissions should NOT be anonymous. Submissions will be treated as confidential and reviewers will be instructed accordingly.
All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity.
* all reviewers will be required to consent to a review agreement prior to participating in the selection process.
All alt.chi prospective authors with a paper submission will be expected to review at least two papers submitted to alt.chi during the review period.
Open Reviewing for alt.chi
- Please volunteer to review if you haven’t already. To do this, visit the PCS volunteer page, select CHI 2025, and enter a number of reviews for alt.chi.
- You will then have access to the bidding page. You will see a list of all available titles and abstracts. For any you wish to review, please select “want” or “willing”. You can bid on more papers at any time during the review period, and can deselect reviews if you change your mind. This is a necessary step to get review assignments.
- You will have access to the submissions, discussions and reviews through your reviewing page.
- Reviewers and authors are encouraged to actively engage in discussions about their papers throughout the reviewing process.
As contributions to alt.chi are often challenging and unusual, since 2014 they have benefited from reviewer comments. To take the most benefit from the open review process, comments provided by reviewers may be used during the Q&A at the conference. These comments serve to amplify and enrich alt.chi presentations of provocative work.
Upon Acceptance of Your Submission
The corresponding author of a conditionally accepted paper has to follow the instructions on preparing and submitting a final version by the Publication-Ready Deadline. If the authors cannot meet these requirements by the Publication-Ready deadline, the venue chairs will be notified and may be required to remove the paper from the program. The publication-ready version has to follow the LaTeX and Word templates from ACM. Should you need technical assistance, please direct your technical query to:
Video Presentations
All accepted authors are required to upload a video presentation (a presentation video of your accepted work) by the video presentation deadline of Thursday March 13, 2025. See technical requirements for video content at CHI as a guidance for preparing a video presentation. Accepted authors will receive the details of video presentations separately.
If authors fail to submit their video presentations by the deadline, their accepted work would be withdrawn from the ACM Digital Library.
Unlike previous years, CHI 2025 has decided not to collect video previews (30-second videos to show the core idea of your work), and authors do not need to prepare them.
Your Paper at the Conference
A presenting author must register to the conference and present their work at the conference synchronously in-person or remotely. Further instructions regarding the presentation of the work will be shared closer to the conference dates.
If authors fail to participate in presenting their work, their accepted work would be withdrawn from the ACM Digital Library.
Lastly, alt.chi presentations are often innovative in format as well as content, and we wish to encourage authors to consider how they might present their work in alternative ways within a lecture-style space setup.
After the Conference
Accepted alt.chi submissions will be distributed in the CHI Conference Extended Abstracts, available in the ACM Digital Library.
Contact Us
alt.CHI Chair
Yubo Kou, Jian Zhao, Shadan Sadeghian